Doodle google tanggal 25 Juli 2013, hari ini, adalah hari kelahiran Rosalind Franklin. Siapa dia?
Rosalind adalah seorang saintis muda. Nama lengkapnya adalah Rosalind Elsie Franklin, biofisikis dan kristallografer sinar X, seseorang yang berjasa besar di dalam menyingkap ilmu struktur molekul dari DNA, virus, bakteri, dan grafit. (; akses «08:53 25-Jul-2013»)
Rosalind Franklin lahir di Notting Hill, London, pada 25 Juli 1920.
Huruf "O" yang kedua dari 'Google' pada doodle adalah gambar dari Rosalind, yang huruf "L" diubah dengan gambar spiral DNA ganda.
Rosalind wafat karena kanker ovarium pada April 1958, berusia 37 tahun.
Roslaind kelak dikenal sangat baik sebagai ilmuwan perempuan yang tidak dianugerahi hadiah Nobel karena penemuan struktur DNA-nya.
Selama ia riset tentang DNA, Rosalind bekerja di King's College London bersama seorang fisikawan Maurice Wilkins.
Cerita berlanjut, ia mengambil beberapa gambar x-ray kristalografi tanpa ia tahu samasekali dan menunjukkannya kepada teman-temannya, Francis Crick dan James Watson, yang juga berusaha untuk menemukan struktur DNA.
Belakangan hari, Wilkins, Crick dan Watson dianugerahi hadiah Nobel bidang kimia pada 1962.
Crick kemudian mengakui bahwa gambar-gambar yang Franklin buat adalah data yang benar-benar Wilkins, Crick, serta Watson gunakan untuk merumuskan hipotesis mereka mengenai struktur DNA di tahun 1953.
Yang paling signifikan dari gambar-gambar tersebut dikenal sebagai ‘Photo 51’, yang pula merupakan inspirasi untuk acara pameran hari ini di Somerset House London.
Demikian dikutip dari Guardian.
RIP, ya Rosalind. #lebay
Kata-kata mutiara dari Rosalind Franklin (; «09:54 25-Jul-2013»):
“SCIENCE and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.”
“IN my view, all that is necessary for faith is the belief that by doing our best we shall succeed in our aims: the improvement of mankind.”
“YOU frequently state, and in your letter you imply, that I have developed a completely one-sided outlook and look at everything in terms of science.
“Obviously my method of thought and reasoning is influenced by a scientific training – if that were not so my scientific training will have been a waste and a failure.
“But you look at science (or at least talk of it) as some sort of demoralizing invention of man, something apart from real life, and which must be cautiously guarded and kept separate from everyday existence.
“But science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.
“Science, for me, gives a partial explanation of life.
“In so far as it goes, it is based on fact, experience and experiment.
“Your theories are those which you and many other people find easiest and pleasantest to believe, but so far as I can see, they have no foundation other than they leaf to a pleasanter view of life (and an exaggerated idea of our own importance)...
“I agree that faith is essential to success in life (success of any sort) but I do not accept your definition of faith, i.e. belief in life after death.
“In my view, all that is necessary for faith is the belief that by doing our best we shall come nearer to success and that success in our aims (the improvement of the lot of mankind, present and future) is worth attaining.
“Anyone able to believe in all that religion implies obviously must have such faith, but I maintain that faith in this world is perfectly possible without faith in another world…
“It has just occurred to me that you may raise the question of the creator.
“A creator of what? ...
“I see no reason to believe that a creator of protoplasm or primeval matter, if such there be, has any reason to be interested in our significant race in a tiny corner of the universe, and still less in us, as still more significant individuals.
“Again, I see no reason why the belief that we are insignificant or fortuitous should lessen our faith – as I have defined it.”
Beberapa link lain tentang Rosalind Franklin saat googling «08:53 25-Jul-2013», antara lain:
Rosalind Elsie Franklin: Pioneer Molecular Biologist;
A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries: Rosalind Franklin - PBS;
Rosalind Franklin University;
Profiles in Science: The Rosalind Franklin Papers;
The Rosalind Franklin Papers: Biographical Information;
Rosalind Franklin - Hark, a vagrant;
Rosalind Elsie Franklin | Jewish Women's Archive;
Rosalind Franklin Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography;
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