(Yippii!!!) Naruto Shippuuden Anime Episode 049 and Naruto Chapter 392 of the Naruto Manga, have been Released

Dattebayo has just released Naruto Shippuuden Episode 049, and is available for download by torrent file.

Naruto Chapter 392 of the Naruto Manga has been released by Binktopia, and is available for download.

Enjoy the release!


“Don’t hate one another and don’t be jealous of one another, and don’t boycott one another and be servants of God as brethren.” --Muhammad saw.
“The whole worth of a kind deed is in the love that inspires it.” --Moses a.s. (The Talmud)
“Hatred doesn’t cease by hatred, but only by love; this is eternal rule.” --Budha a.s.
“Love your enemies!” --Jesus a.s.
“Love for All, Hatred for None!” --Mirza Nasir Ahmad r.h.
“To be loved, be lovable.” --Ovid