In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful
International Press and Media Desk
22 Deer Park, London, SW19 3TL
Tel / Fax (44) 020 8544 7613 Mobile (44) 07795460318
Seiring meningkatnya Penganiayaan Terjadi Serangkaian Penyerangan Terhadap Jama'at Muslim Ahmadiyah Di Indonesia
Jama'at Muslim Ahmadiyah tengah menjadi sasaran penganiayaan di negara dengan penduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia – Indonesia. Para anggota Jama'at telah diserang dan dipaksa meninggalkan rumah-rumah mereka. Masjid-masjid yang dianggap suci, telah diserang dan kini telah disegel oleh negara.
Selama beberapa bulan terakhir keadaan di Indonesia kian memburuk karena kelompok-kelompok Muslim ekstrim seperti Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia dan Front Pembela Islam menyulut sentimen anti Ahmadiyah.
Selama beberapa minggu ini telah terjadi penyerangan terhadap Jama'at Muslim. Baru-baru ini di sebuah kampung di Sumbawa Besar harta-benda milik Jama'at dilempari dengan batu. Kemudian di kampung Pangauban Masjid yang dibangun Jama'at Ahmadiyah diruntuhkan. Selama perusakan itu para anggota Polisi ada ditempat kejadian akan tapi meskipun para Muslim Ahmadi memprotes secara damai polisi tak berbuat apapun untuk menghentikan kekerasan. Dalam kawasan itu Jama'at menghadapi penganiayaan dari para 'Ulama' ekstrimis, lima keluarga dipaksa meninggalkan rumah-rumah mereka dan terpaksa meninggalkan kampung itu.
Di desa Manislor tekanan yang dilakukan 17 kelompok Islam telah menyebabkan pemerintah daerah bertindak menyegel tiga masjid Ahmadiyah. Atas hal ini Jama'at Ahmadiyah setempat mengadukan bahwa keputusan seperti itu melanggar hak-hak sipil dan hak-hak asasi mereka tapi tidak ada reaksi apa-apa. Selanjutnya pada 18 Desember 2007 sekelompok orang sekitar 500 ekstrimis agamis menyerang pusat Jama'at Ahmadiyah Manislor. Akibat serangan ini dua masjid rusak berat dan empat rumah keluarga Ahmadiyah juga hancur. Selain itu, 12 eksemplar Kitab Suci Al-Qur'an, kitab suci yang merupakan landasan semua ajaran Islam itu, dibakar. Dalam peristiwa ini tiga orang terluka, salah seorang di antaranya mengalami luka serius. Menyusul serangan ini Satpol PP diperintahkan agar menyegel sembilan masjid Jama'at Ahmadiyah.
Tengah malam tanggal 22 Desember 2007, sekitar 50 orang bertopeng menyerang masjid Ahmadiyah di Desa Sadasari di Propinsi Jawa Barat. Atap-atap dirusak jendela-jendela dihancurkan. Pintu-pintu dibakar dan lima rumah orang Ahmadi dirusak.
Sebagai akibat dari semua serangan yang penuh kebencian dan tak berperasaan ini Jama'at Ahmadiyah di Indonesia sedang menghadapi musibah besar. Sekretaris Pers Jama'at Muslim Ahmadiyah, Abid Khan mengatakan:
"Do'a-do'a dari setiap Muslim Ahmadi di seluruh dunia menyertai saudara-saudara kami di Indonesia. Jama'at Ahmadiyah adalah aliran keagamaan yang damai dan taat hukum. Para warga kami di Indonesia tidak ingin menyakiti siapapun dan semata-mata ingin mengamalkan keyakinan mereka dalam suasana yang aman tetapi iklim politik di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini tidak melindungi hak asasi mereka yang paling mendasar ini … Kami sungguh menghargai komentar-komentar Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla yang mengutuk penyerangan terhadap Jama'at Ahmadiyah dan meminta polisi agar membuka segel yang telah dipasang pada tempat-tempat ibadah kami di Indonesia (Koran Tempo 21 Desember 2007)."
Patut dicatat bahwa elemen-elemen media di Indonesia telah menyadari apa yang terjadi pasti bukan untuk keuntungan negara. Mengomentari penyerangan akhir-akhir ini terhadap Jama'at Ahmadiyah, The Jakarta Post telah menyatakan:
"Karena para pelaku kekerasan hingga batas tertentu tampaknya menikmati kekebalan hukum, atau bahkan mendapat perlindungan negara, maka hanyalah tinggal menunggu waktu sebelum mereka memetik sasaran mereka berikutnya. Duduk dengan tenang dan perhatikanlah tragedi yang menguak ketika Indonesia bergerak cepat menjadi sebuah Negara yang gagal … Citra Indonesia sebagai satu bangsa yang toleran demikian cepat menghilang. Satu bangsa yang sekali waktu membanggakan diri sebagai negara yang pluralis tempat orang-orang yang berbeda ras, etnis, bahasa dan keyakinan dapat hidup bersama secara damai dan menikmati keadilan, sedang berubah drastis …
Serangan-serangan terhadap kebebasan beragama ini merupakan serangan terhadap sendi yang paling mendasar yang di atasnya Republik ini dibangun. Kegagalan kita untuk mencegah serangan ini menandai awal dari berakhirnya Republik ini, karena Indonesia secara diam-diam tapi dengan cepat berubah menjadi satu bangsa yang tidak bertoleransi." (The Jakarta Post 27 December 2007)
Jama'at Muslim Ahmadiyah
Jama'at Muslim Ahmadiyah telah berkembang di seluruh dunia mengusung dan mengamalkan semboyannya 'Love for All, Hatred for None' (Cinta untuk semua, tiada benci untuk siapapun).
Untuk infomasi lebih lanjut:
Akhir Siaran Pers
(Terjemah by: Mln. Muharrim Awaluddin)
English version:
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful
International Press and Media Desk
22 Deer Park, London, SW19 3TL
Tel / Fax (44) 020 8544 7613 Mobile (44) 07795460318
27 December 2007
Series of attacks against Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Indonesia as persecution increases
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is being subjected to severe persecution in the country with the world's largest Muslim population – Indonesia. Members of the Community have been attacked and forced to leave their homes. Mosques, which are regarded as sacred, have been attacked and have now been sealed off by the State.
For the last few months the situation in Indonesia has been getting progressively worse as an anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment has been perpetrated by extremist Muslim factions such as Majlis Ulema Indonesia, the Majlis Mujahideen Indonesia and the Islamic Defence Front.
Attacks against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have been occurring for many weeks now. In the village of Sumbawa Besar stones were recently thrown at the property owned by the Community. Then in the village Pangauban the Mosque of the Ahmadiyya Community was knocked down. During that particular attack members of the police were present but despite the peaceful protests of the Ahmadi Muslims the police did nothing to stop the atrocities. In that particular region the persecution faced by the Community from extremist 'Mullahs' meant that five families were forced out of their homes and had to leave the village.
In the town of Manislor pressure from 17 different Islamic sects has caused for the local authorities to sanction the sale of three Ahmadiyya mosques. Upon this the local Ahmadiyya Community complained that such decisions violated their basic civil and human rights but to no avail. Further on 18 th December 2007 a group of around 500 religious extremists attacked the premises of the Manislor branch of the Ahmadiyya Community. As a result of these attacks 2 Mosques were greatly damaged and the houses of four Ahmadiyya families were also damaged. Furthermore, 12 copies of the Holy Qur'an, the most sacred scripture upon which all Islamic teaching is based, were burnt. During this attack 3 people were injured, one of whom was seriously wounded. Following this attack the civil police ordered that the nine mosques of the Ahmadiyya Community were to be sealed.
On 22 December 2007 at around midnight, approximately 50 persons wearing masks attacked the Ahmadiyya mosque at Sadasari Village in the West Java Province of Indonesia. Roofs were destroyed windows were shattered. Doors were burned and five Ahmadi houses were destroyed.
As a result of these wholly unprovoked and senseless attacks the Ahmadiyya Community in Indonesia is facing a great trial. The Press Secretary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Abid Khan said:
"The prayers of every Ahmadi Muslim throughout the world are with our brothers and sisters in Indonesia. The Ahmadiyya Community is a peaceful and law abiding religious sect. Our members in Indonesia do not wish harm to anyone and simply wish to be able to practice their faith in a safe environment however the current political climate in Indonesia is not allowing them this most fundamental of human rights… We do however appreciate the comments of Vice President Jusuf Kalla who has condemned the attacks against the Ahmadiyya Community and requested the police to remove the seals which have been placed on our places of worship in Indonesia [1]"
It is of note that the elements within the Indonesian media have realized that what is happening is certainly not for the benefit of the country. Speaking with regard the recent attacks against the Ahmadiyya Community, The Jakarta Post has stated:
"Because the perpetrators seem to enjoy some degree of impunity, or even protection from the State, it's just a matter of time before they pick their next target. Sit tight and watch the tragedy unfold as Indonesia increasingly becomes a failed state… The image of Indonesia as a tolerant nation is fast disappearing. A nation that once took pride in itself as a pluralist state where people of different races, ethnicities, languages and faiths could co-exist peacefully and enjoy equality, is drastically changing…
These attacks against religious freedoms are an attack against the very foundation upon which this Republic was built. Our failure to prevent these attacks marks the beginning of the end for this republic, as Indonesia silently but rapidly becomes an intolerant nation." [2]
Ahmadiyya Muslim Association
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association has prospered throughout the world expounding and practising its motto 'Love for All, Hatred for None'.
Further Information:
End of Release
For Further Information:
Press Secretary: Abid Khan (07795460318)
International Press and Media Desk