Naruto Manga Chapter 390 by Binktopia

FINALLY, Naruto Chapter 390 of the Naruto Manga has been released by Binktopia, and is available for download. Enjoy the release! Pertarungan kakak-beradik ini mulai mengasyikkan dan membuatku penasaran.

Link-nya ada di


“Don’t hate one another and don’t be jealous of one another, and don’t boycott one another and be servants of God as brethren.” --Muhammad saw.
“The whole worth of a kind deed is in the love that inspires it.” --Moses a.s. (The Talmud)
“Hatred doesn’t cease by hatred, but only by love; this is eternal rule.” --Budha a.s.
“Love your enemies!” --Jesus a.s.
“Love for All, Hatred for None!” --Mirza Nasir Ahmad r.h.
“To be loved, be lovable.” --Ovid