Sometimes I could just be the sun that always come in the morning today...

Sometimes I could just be the sun that always come in the morning today. But, I can not continue that way. Recalling the existence of a drifting cloud. A gray morning, as sad as the wistful heart. It's supposed to, you understand it all. And, he is now waiting for you every time every time you promised through me. Please, have mercy on him.[]

Kadang aku bisa saja menjadi sang surya yang senantiasa datang di paginya hari. Tapi, aku nggak bisa seperti itu terus. Mengingat, adanya awan mendung yang berarak. Pagi yang kelabu, sesedih hati yang sendu. Sudah semestinya, engkau memahami ini semua. Dan, dia kini tengah menunggu kedatanganmu setiap saban kali kau berjanji melalui aku. Kumohon, kasihanilah dia.